We can do better!

99% of the international education industry exists to serve the rich schools or 1% of the market.

The international education industry is predominantly structured to serve the wealthiest schools, catering to just a small fraction of the global market. This phenomenon is largely driven by capitalism, where profit motives shape the availability and distribution of educational resources. Here's a closer look at why this happens, with examples from prominent companies like Pearson, the International Baccalaureate (IB), and Cambridge.

Profit Motive and Market Dynamics

High Costs and Premium Pricing

  1. Pearson: As one of the largest education companies globally, Pearson offers a wide range of educational materials and assessments. However, their high-quality resources often come with a premium price tag, making them accessible primarily to affluent schools with substantial budgets.

  2. International Baccalaureate (IB): The IB program is renowned for its rigorous and comprehensive curriculum. However, the cost of implementing IB programs, including training teachers and maintaining accreditation standards, is significant. This makes IB programs more prevalent in wealthy international schools that can afford these expenses.

  3. Cambridge: Cambridge Assessment International Education provides globally recognized qualifications. The costs associated with Cambridge programs, including exam fees and resource materials, are often beyond the reach of schools in lower-income regions, limiting their adoption to wealthier institutions.

Capitalism and Inequity

Capitalism, with its focus on maximizing profits, exacerbates the inequities in the education sector. Companies like Pearson, IB, and Cambridge operate within a market-driven framework where they prioritize customers who can afford their services, leading to a concentration of resources among the wealthiest schools.

  1. Resource Allocation: In a capitalist system, companies invest more in markets that promise higher returns. As a result, the most innovative and effective educational tools are often marketed to and developed for the wealthiest schools, perpetuating a cycle where rich schools get richer in terms of educational quality.

  2. Barriers to Entry: The high costs associated with top-tier educational programs create barriers to entry for schools in less affluent areas. This perpetuates a divide where only the richest schools can offer the best education, leaving behind a vast majority of students in underfunded schools.

  3. Scaling Issues: Even when companies attempt to scale their offerings to less affluent markets, the quality often diminishes due to cost-cutting measures. This results in a two-tiered system where the best resources are reserved for those who can pay the most.

The 1% Market

The focus on serving the richest 1% of schools stems from the higher profit margins these institutions offer. Affluent schools are willing and able to pay for premium services, creating a lucrative market for education companies. This leaves the remaining 99% of schools with limited access to high-quality educational resources, perpetuating educational inequity on a global scale.


The international education industry, influenced by capitalist principles, prioritizes serving wealthy schools due to the higher financial returns they offer. Companies like Pearson, IB, and Cambridge epitomize this trend, providing premium educational resources that are often out of reach for the majority of schools worldwide. To address this imbalance, there is a need for innovative solutions that make high-quality education accessible and affordable for all students, regardless of their economic background.


Transforming Education with the Urban Green Education International Pack

The Urban Green Education (UGE) International Pack is set to revolutionize education in the Global South by making high-quality learning resources accessible and affordable. Here's how:

Affordable Premium Learning Management System (LMS)

  • Agilix Labs Partnership: The UGE International Pack includes a premium LMS from Agilix Labs, a renowned provider of cutting-edge educational technology. This LMS offers robust features that enhance the teaching and learning experience, ensuring that students receive a world-class education regardless of their location.

Unlimited High-Quality Content

  • Lincoln Learning Solutions: The pack also includes unlimited educational content from Lincoln Learning Solutions, a trusted source of comprehensive, standards-aligned curriculum materials. This ensures that teachers have access to a wide range of high-quality resources to support diverse learning needs and styles.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Whether the school follows the IB, Cambridge, or any other curriculum, the UGE International Pack provides the necessary tools and resources to support effective teaching and learning


  • Nothing works it you cannot afford to implement it.

  • Priced at only $30 USD per student per year, with teachers and parents free, the UGE International Pack breaks down financial barriers, making it feasible for schools in the Global South to implement a sophisticated LMS that is typically accessible only to wealthier institution.

Democratizing Education

  • Accessibility: By providing these premium educational tools at an affordable price, the UGE International Pack democratizes education, ensuring that even schools with limited budgets can offer their students the same quality of education as their wealthier counterparts.

  • Empowerment: This initiative empowers educators in the Global South with the resources they need to deliver engaging and effective instruction, ultimately leading to better educational outcomes and opening up opportunities for millions of students.

Impact on the Market

  • Market Disruption: The introduction of the UGE International Pack at such an affordable price point challenges the status quo in the international education market, which has traditionally catered to the wealthiest schools.

  • Inclusivity: By making high-quality educational tools accessible to a broader audience, the UGE International Pack promotes inclusivity and helps bridge the educational divide, fostering equity in education on a global scale.

The Urban Green Education International Pack, with its premium LMS from Agilix Labs and unlimited content from Lincoln Learning Solutions, is a game-changer for schools in the Global South. At just $30 USD per student per year, with teachers and parents free, it makes world-class education accessible and affordable, democratizing education and paving the way for a brighter future for all students.